Helping Christians Become Equipped to Stand Firm, Defend a Biblical Worldview, and Stay in the Battle in These Confusing Days
(You will find the links we use for our Warriors of Christ Course at CCCS on this page.)
If you are a Biblical Christian (I have to include the modifier because, sadly, there are many who call themselves “Christian” who reject much of God’s Word), you should know that we are living in a time when you, your kids, and your grandkids must be equipped with this kind of knowledge. The enemy has become very aggressive and deceptive.
These videos are listed in the order in which I cover these topics in our Warriors of Christ Course at Cross Creek Christian School. You may prefer a different order. When you examine the questions you will quickly realize that they are not equally important. Feel free to use what seems most critical to you.
If you are reading this on a mobile phone, you may have to use landscape mode or left/right scrolling to see the entire table.
If you are working through this course with your kids or grandkids, one possible strategy for you might be to read over the list of questions together, then watch the video together, then discuss the questions with the answers together.
Stay in the battle!
Help for sharing the Gospel more effectively begins with video #2.
Help for doing more effective spiritual warfare begins with video #7.
Help for getting equipped to share the evidence God has given us to help show others how we know God is real, Jesus is raised from the dead, and God’s Word can be trusted, begins with video #14.
(Here is a video that gives a brief overview of the course)
Stay in the battle!