Questions: Veritas 2020 #08 Evidence from Archaeology–Introduction

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Questions with Answers

  1. What is Archaeology?
  2. What does Archaeology study?
  3. How do Archaeologists do their work?
  4. What is a common general word for things discovered by archaeologists?
  5. What did Jesus tell the Pharisees who tried to get Him to stop His followers from praising Him?
  6. How does the age of archaeological study compare with the age of the study of biology, physics, and chemistry?
  7. Who is considered to be the “Father of Archaeological Excavation?”
  8. What was the status of Archaeology in the mid-19th century?
  9. Why were many historians of the past not willing to trust the Bible for historical information? 
  10. Why did they assume that it was mythological?
  11. What are “materialists” (in a metaphysical sense)?
  12. What is “mythology?”
  13. What are some general things that archaeologists are able to confirm?
  14. How does archaeology help us obey 1 Peter 3:15?
  15. Can archaeology prove that God wrote the Bible?
  16. What is a stele?
  17. What kind of information was often recorded on a stele?