Questions: Romans 01:28-32 A Debased Mind (28:00)

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Questions with Answers

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  1. What’s a good way to respond to someone who says, “You know, I would really like to believe in God like you do, but I just can’t.”
  2. What is the meaning of the word “debased” or “depraved” found in v. 28?
  3. What’s the implication of God giving people over to a debased mind?
  4. What did God say through the prophet isaiah about people who reject God’s truth about right and wrong?
  5. What do the words, “to do what ought not to be done” imply?
  6. What did Jesus say about these kinds of people?
  7. What did Peter write of these people?
  8. List some things from Romans 1:29-31 that rejecting God and His Truth will lead to.
  9. What does God say these people really know, deep inside?
  10. So how and why do they continue in sin?
  11. What is the great danger Paul warns all Christians of in the beginning of Romans 2?