Questions: Veritas 2020 #24 Why Veritas? (Part 1 of 2) (18:31)

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Questions with Answers
Table of Videos

  1. What term does J. Warner Wallace often use instead of “Apologetics?”
  2. Why do some Christians try to avoid the word “apologetics?”
  3. What is the Greek word from which we get our word “apologetics?”(EDV xxxii)
  4. What does that Greek word literally mean?
  5. In what verse did the Apostle Paul use the word?
  6. In what verse did the Apostle Peter use the word?
  7. How should Christians respond when someone asks a question we can’t answer?
  8. What is a good question to ask when someone expresses a belief that seems to be non-Christian or non-biblical?
  9. What is a good follow-up question?
  10. From what language is the word “Veritas?”
  11. What does the word “Veritas” mean?
  12. What is Harvard University’s motto?
  13. What percent of young adults walk away from the church when they turn 18 or graduate from high school?