Q&A: Veritas 2020 #28 Three Challenging Questions (25:42)

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  1. How would you answer someone who claimed that the Bible is full of errors and contradictions?
    I’ve not found that to be true. Could you please just show me one?
  2. How would you answer someone who pointed out Bible verses that actually seemed contradictory to you?
    I admit that looks like a problem. Would you give me some time to think about it and get back to you?
  3. Who was R.A. Torrey?
    Great pastor, teacher and writer. Died 1928.
  4. What was his testimony that makes a good illustration for people who think there are errors in the Bible?
    When he was young he thought there were 1000 errors. Now he’s old and crossed off 993 of them. Figures the last 7 are not with the book, but his ability to understand.
  5. How would you answer someone who said that you were being arrogant to insist that Jesus is the only way to God and that the main thing is that people be sincere in whatever they choose to believe?
    Is it arrogant to insist that sick people follow doctor’s instruction? 
  6. Give some examples when sincerity may lead to disaster.
    Taking strychnine thinking it’s aspirin. Bridge out ahead. 
  7. How would you answer someone who claimed that you are like one of many blind men trying to describe an elephant by merely using the sense of touch?
    He is assuming that he’s the one with sight. That he can see the whole elephant.  Which implies that he can see the “truth” about worldview while everyone else is blindly finding a “part” of what he can see.
  8. How would you answer someone who claimed that all scientists accept evolution as an unquestioned fact?
    That’s not true. Many brilliant non-Christian scientists are desperately trying to find another explanation.