Q & A: The Gospel (Evangelism Explosion) Part 1 of 4

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  1. How do we know that becoming a Christian is not complicated?
    1. Jesus said about children, “The kingdom of God is of such as these.” And He even said, “Unless you become like little children, you can’t even enter the kingdom of God.”
  2. Then why is there so much confusion about it?
    1. Satan has led people to redefine key words (such as grace, faith, sin, Jesus, God, etc.)
  3. What is Evangelism Explosion?
    1. A method of communicating the key points of the Gospel
  4. Who put it together?
    1. Dr. D. James Kennedy, Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale, FL
  5. When did he first put it together?
    1. 1962
  6. Describe the sequence of events that led Steve Hall to become an EE Teacher/Trainer?
    1. 1970-first learned about it in Dr. Roy Fish’s Personal Evangelism class at SWBTS
    2. 1975-saw book on Pastor’s shelf
    3. 1977-had dream, received call from friend at SWBTS, Pastor initiated conversation
  7. What is the general procedure that is followed when a church decides to use EE?
    1. One person(trainer) finds two others (trainees) who will commit to the 17 week course
    2. The meet weekly to:
      1. Pray
      2. Recite memory work (outline, Scriptures, illustrations, transitions)
      3. Look for opportunities to share it with others
      4. Gradually the trainees assume a more active role in sharing the gospel
    3. At the end of the 17 weeks, each of the three choose two more new trainees (total of 9 people) and the pattern repeats.
  8. What are two ways that a person could use these videos?
    1. Just watch to be exposed to the general idea
    2. As a way to get equipped to share these things with others
  9. What’s required in order to use this material to get equipped?
    1. Personal discipline to do the memory work
  10. What is the first diagnostic question?
    1. “Have you come to the place in your personal spiritual life where you know for certain that you have eternal life? In other words, where you know for certain that you will go to heaven when you die?”
  11. What are some common responses to that question?
    1. I hope so
    2. Yes
    3. No
    4. I don’t think anyone could know that
    5. I would go straight  to hell
  12. If the answer is anything but yes, what is a good transition to the second question?
    1. “Well, I was hoping that I might have some good news to share with you today. And I may have the best news you’ve ever heard. Because the Bible actually says that there’s a way we can know for certain that we have eternal life… we can actually know for certain that we will go to heaven when we die… Would it be ok if I took some time to tell you how I came to the place in my life where I know for certain I have eternal life, and how you, or anybody else can too?
  13. What is the Bible verse that tells us we can know that we have eternal life?
    1.  “I write these things to you … … that you may know that you have eternal life.” (1 John 5:13) 
  14. What is the 2nd diagnostic question?
    1. “Let’s suppose you were to die, and you suddenly found yourself standing before God, and God were to ask you, ‘Why should I let you into my heaven?’ What would you say to God?”
  15. What are some common responses to the 2nd diagnostic question?
    1. “I don’t know. I’ve never thought much about that.”
    2. “I don’t think God would ask me that.”
    3. “I’m doing the best I can.”
    4. “I think I’ve been a pretty good person.”
    5. “I’d say I’m trusting Jesus. Jesus died to pay for my sins. I’ve received Jesus into my life to be my Savior and my Lord.”
  16. How can we encourage people to think about the question if they say “I don’t know?”
    1. Say: “I know you haven’t written a theological paper on it or anything like that, but just off the top of your head, what do you think you might say?”
    2. Then say:  “Let me take the spotlight off you for a minute. Based on what you’ve heard in church, or based on any reading you might have done, maybe in the Bible, what would you say the general requirements are for anybody to get into heaven?”
    3. If still no answer, you might want to share the parable of the man at the wedding feast without wedding garments.
  17. What are some possible things that the two diagnostic questions can help us discover?
    1. Some Christians are real, but lack assurance and struggle with doubts
    2. Some nonchristians have false assurance and think they are Christians
    3. Some are Christians and they know it
    4. Some are lost and they know it