Questions: Veritas 2020 #18 Evidence from the Second Law of Thermodynamics (42:16)

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  1. Who was Rudolf Clausius?
  2. When did he do his work?
  3. How did Clausius state the 2nd law of thermodynamics in words?
  4. What’s another name for the Second Law of Thermodynamics?
  5. Who was Max Planck. When did he do his work?
  6. How did he state the 2nd Law?
  7. What is entropy?
  8. Give an example of increasing entropy involving food coloring.
  9. Give an example of increasing entropy involving ice in coke.
  10. How can a jigsaw puzzle illustrate increasing entropy? 
  11. Give an example of increasing entropy involving a pile of bricks.
  12. Give an example of increasing entropy involving your bedroom
  13. What does the Second Law of Thermodynamics tell us about the universe?
  14. What does the Second Law of Thermodynamics say about simple molecules gradually getting together in order to make more complex molecules?
  15. Give some examples of items that represent a decrease in entropy
  16. What two things are required in order to “overcome” the effects of the Second Law of Thermodynamics?
  17. Is a supply of energy alone (e..g, the sun) enough to reverse the Second Law?
  18. How can people cause a temporary reversal in the Second Law of Thermodynamics?
  19. What happens, over time, after people stop whatever they were doing to cause entropy to decrease?
  20. How does the Second Law of Thermodynamics cause grief to atheists?
  21. How do they try to get around it?
  22. What illustration did Julian Huxley invent to try to show how higher life forms might have evolved from simpler life forms?
  23. What does the real math tell us about Huxley’s illustration?
  24. What is the Miller-Urey experiment?
  25. Why was the Miller-Urey experiment deceptive and misleading?
  26. What is a polypeptide?
  27. What happens to polypeptides if they are left to themselves?
  28. So how are proteins put together from polypeptides?
  29. What is the name of the video documentary that illustrates many of these things?
  30. What, essentially, did the brilliant (but non-christian) astronomer and mathematician, Fred Hoyle, have to say about these things?
  31. What did the brilliant scientist Arthur Stanley Eddington have to say about these things?
  32. What does Genesis 1 have to say about these things?
  33. What does Romans 1 have to say about these things?