Q&A: Romans 01:16-18 The Wrath of God (31:46)

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  1. When did Paul write his letter to the Romans?
    Around 56 AD
  2. When did he actually first visit them?
    Around 60 AD
  3. Where was Paul when he wrote the letter?
    In Corinth on his third missionary journey
  4. When was the church in Rome first established?
    We don’t know. Possibly shortly after Pentecost in the early 30s AD
  5. How do we know it was already a mature church?
    In 15:14, Paul describes them as “filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish or instruct one another”
  6. When did Nero start persecuting Christians in Rome?
    64 AD, after he had started the great fire that burned much of Rome
  7. When was Paul finally martyred in Rome?
    68 AD
  8. How do we know that there were many Christians in Rome at that time?
    The secular historian Tacitus, who actually lived at that time, said that under Nero, said that “an immense multitude of Christians were convicted, mocked, tortured, and killed.”
  9. When Paul wrote that he was not “ashamed” of the Gospel, what did the word “ashamed” mean?
    not wanting to be identified with someone or something– possibly with feelings of timidity, fear, and embarrassment. What people feel when they think they might be rejected or ridiculed or mocked or falsely accused because they are identified with another person or with some idea or belief.
  10. Why can we be tempted to be ashamed of the Gospel?
    We don’t like to be rejected or to be accused of being offensive
  11. How can we overcome the temptation to be ashamed?
    Pray for grace to be prepared for ridicule and rejection. Remember how Jesus, and many of His followers, like Paul, stood firm in the truth when they were threatened and persecuted and killed.
  12. What is the Greek word that is translated “Gospel?”
    ?????????? euaggelion
  13. What does it mean?
    “Good news”
  14. What good news?
    Jesus, The Messiah, God the Son, has come into the world and never once yielded to our enemy, Satan.  He gave His life on the cross to pay the penalty for our own sins. He rose from the dead, overthrowing Satan’s kingdom, conquering death, sin, hell, and the grave. And He offers us forgiveness of sins, His own righteousness and salvation as a gift to all who will confess their sins and trust Him as Lord of their lives.
  15. What is the Greek word that is translated “wrath” in Romans 1:18?
    ???? (pronounced: or-GEY)
  16. How was the Greek word for wrath used in ancient Greece?
    to refer to rulers who administered justice and avenged injustice.
  17. Why do many preachers and Bible teachers rarely mention God’s wrath?
    People don’t want to hear it. Many try to deny it. 
  18. What other character attribute of God does God pair God’s wrath in Romans 2:5?
    His Righteousness. (But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed. Romans 2:5)
  19. According to John 3:36, what eventually brings the wrath of God?
    The rejection of Jesus (Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. (John 3:36)
  20. How does Jesus parable of the vineyard (Matthew 21:33-41) help us understand God’s wrath?
    The owner of the vineyard is obviously justified in dealing harshly with the rebellious, greedy, murderous, selfish servants
  21. How did Nathan help David see the need for God’s wrath in David’s own life?
    The story of the poor man with the little ewe lamb.
  22. Because of David’s genuine repentance, how did the wrath of God play out in David’s life?
    God spared him of direct punishment, but David had to suffer consequences of his sin.
  23. How do men like Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, etc help us see the need for God’s wrath?
    Their blatantly murderous dictatorial leadership seems to go unpunished
  24. What did Jesus teach that demonstrates that the “withholding of blessings” might be a good picture of God’s wrath?
    God is under no obligations to continue to give “common grace” blessings. (He makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.  (Matthew 5:45)
  25. How does the story of the older, generous man and the younger selfish man illustrate the justice of God?
    It is clear that the older man who is a benefactor to the younger man is under no obligation to continue the blessings, if the younger man rejects him
  26. How does our attitude about sin affect our attitude about God’s wrath?
    When we allow ourselves to be convinced that sin is no big deal, that it is trivial, then most any punishment of that sin will seem to be too much.
  27. How did Adam’s sin affect the entire creation?
    Everything started dying. Animals became predators. The world became filled with violence, pain, rebellion, and death.
  28. How did God solve that sin problem?
    Jesus died to set us free from the curse of sin. He took God’s wrath that we deserved. 
  29. What will happen ultimately to the creation because of Jesus death on the cross?
    The curse will be undone. Satan will be bound. Predatory animals will be changed (Isalah 11:6–the wolf shall lie down with the lamb)
  30. What happens to those who reject God’s solution?
    God’s hand of blessing is removed. They experience God’s wrath against sin.
  31. What would we think of a human judge who simply overlooked crimes and allowed criminals to go free?
    He’s not just.
  32. What does the word “ungodliness” mean in Romans 1:18?
    A refusal to honor and worship God. No reverence for God.
  33. What does the word “unrighteousness” mean in Romans 1:18?
    Sinful and unjust
  34. How do men suppress the truth?
    They hold it back and cover it up. Instead of agreeing that truth is what corresponds to reality, they try to invent their own “truth.”
  35. What did Jesus say about God’s Word and the truth in His high Priestly prayer?
    God’s Word is Truth (John 17:17)
  36. What did Jesus say about Himself and the Truth?
    “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
  37. What did Jesus call the Holy Spirit, regarding the truth?
    “The Spirit of Truth.” (John 14:17, 15:26, 16:13)
  38. What did Jesus say about us as His disciples and the truth when we live in His Word?
    you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:31-32)
  39. How does God often identify Himself regarding the truth?
    He is the “God of Truth.” (Deuteronomy 32:4, Psalm 31:5, Isaiah 65:16)
  40. Why are people who suppress the truth often effective in their deception?
    They may be pretty slick. They may have degrees after their names. They may have lots of twitter followers. They may sound very erudite and sophisticated. They may use lots of difficult vocabulary words. They may smile a lot. They may act very sweet and loving.