Questions: Veritas 2020 #34 The Universe is Finely Tuned for Life (36:44)

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  1. What are some things we can sense with our physical senses that remind us that the universe has an awesome Creator, Designer, Artist, Engineer?
  2. How did secularists react to these awesome things?
  3. Why are so few scientists who understand creation found on faculties of colleges and universities?
  4. To what did Isaac Newton compare himself that illustrates his understanding of the vastness and glory of the universe?
  5. How did Charles Darwin further confuse the issue?
  6. What did God do to allow men to see more of His amazing creation?
  7. How many stars are in our Milky Way?
  8. How long does it take an average star to produce enough energy to power a major city for a year?
  9. How many galaxies are in the known universe?
  10. What problem does the existence of spiral galaxies cause cosmologists?
  11. What is amazing about the earth’s location in our galaxy?
  12. How did God stabilize our climate so that life can exist?
  13. How did God provide for the oceans to be oxygenated so that life could exist on earth?
  14. What is the significance of the size and distance of the moon from earth compared to the size and distance of the sun from earth?
  15. How did God make sure it would not be too hot or too cold for life on earth?
  16. What is the significance of God placing the giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn outside the earth’s orbit?
  17. How did God arrange for photosynthesis to occur on earth?
  18. What is the significance of God’s choice for the gravitational constant?
  19. What is the significance of God’s choice for the electromagnetic constant?
  20. What is the significance of God’s choice for the strong nuclear force constant?
  21. What is the significance of God’s choice for the weak nuclear force constant?
  22. How did God engineer the universe so that it would not collapse in on itself or fly apart?
  23. How fine tuned does the cosmological constant have to be to keep the universe stabilized?
  24. Approximately how many atoms are there in the entire universe?
  25. Why has God let us discover these things?
  26. What does God call people who try to ignore these things and try to pretend He doesn’t exist?
  27. What did the British Astrophysicist, Dr Paul Davies conclude about all these things?
  28. What did NASA astronomer, Dr. John O’Keefe conclude?
  29. What did Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Arno Penzias conclude?