Questions: Veritas 2020 #09 Evidence from Archaeology–Examples

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Questions with Answers

  1. What is the Moabite stone? 
  2. What specific information was on the Moabite stone that is also in the Bible? (7 things) 
  3. What is the Pilate stone?
  4. What did the Pilate stone prove?
  5. Name as many of the 13 archaeological finds mentioned in the Veritas presentation as you can.
  6. What was the question, settled by archaeology, about Moses writing the Pentateuch?
  7. What was the question, settled by archaeology, about the names of Patriarchs?
  8. What was the question, settled by archaeology, about the word “Tehom?”
  9. What was the question, settled by archaeology, about the Hittites?
  10. What was the question, settled by archaeology, about Solomon’s wealth?
  11. What was the question, settled by archaeology, about Sargon?
  12. What was the question, settled by archaeology, about Belshazzar?
  13. What was the question, settled by archaeology, about the problem of Daniel 5:29?
  14. Who was Nelson Glueck?
  15. How many archaeological sites did Glueck personally discover?
  16. How many archaeological discoveries did Glueck know of that contradicted Biblical references?
  17. What did Nelson Glueck say about archaeology and the Bible?
  18. Who was William Albright?
  19. What was Williams Albright’s unofficial title?
  20. What did William Albright say about archaeology and the Bible?
  21. Who was William Ramsey?
  22. Where did William Ramsey teach?
  23. What was Ramsey’s attitude about God when he began his work in archaeology?
  24. What was Ramsey’s attitude about the book of Acts when he began his work in archaeology? 
  25. What did William Ramsey say about archaeology and the Bible?
  26. What was William Ramsey’s personal testimony?
  27. How does God use archaeology to cause some people to take Him more seriously?