Q&A: Veritas 2020 #09 Evidence from Archaeology–Examples

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Questions without Answers

  1. What is the Moabite stone? 
    1. Stele with important Biblical information
  2. What specific information was on the Moabite stone that is also in the Bible? (7 things) 
    1. Mesha, King of Moab 
    2. He fought Israel 
    3. Israel king was Omri
    4. House of David
    5. Names of 12 towns fought over
    6. Chemosh, god of Moabites
    7. Name of Yahweh
  3. What is the Pilate stone? 
    1. Stele that commemorates the Tiberium Pilate built and dedicated to the Caesareans
  4. What did the Pilate stone prove? 
    1. Pilate was a real historical character
  5. Name as many of the 13 archaeological finds mentioned in the Veritas presentation as you can. 
    1. Pool of Siloam
    2. Pool of Bethesda
    3. Wall of herod’s temple
    4. Writing existed in Moses’ day
    5. Patriarch names are appropriate for time period
    6. Word “tehom”
    7. Hittites
    8. Solomon’s wealth
    9. Sargon existed
    10. Belshazzar
    11. Belshazzar was 2nd in command
    12. Customs were appropriate to time period
    13. Sargon captured Ashdod
  6. What was the question, settled by archaeology, about Moses writing the Pentateuch?
    1. How could Moses have written it if writing wasn’t invented yet?
  7. What was the question, settled by archaeology, about the names of Patriarchs?
    1. How could those names be so early since they are more recent names?
  8. What was the question, settled by archaeology, about the word “Tehom?”
    1. How could Moses have used this word when it didn’t exist so early?
  9. What was the question, settled by archaeology, about the Hittites?
    1. How can the Bible talk about the Hittites since they didn’t exist?
  10. What was the question, settled by archaeology, about Solomon’s wealth?
    1. How can the Bible attribute such wealth to Solomon when he didn’t really have it?
  11. What was the question, settled by archaeology, about Sargon?
    1. Why does the Bible talk about Sargon, since he didn’t exist?
  12. What was the question, settled by archaeology, about Belshazzar?
    1. Why does the Bible talk about Belshazzar since he didn’t’ exist?
  13. What was the question, settled by archaeology, about the problem of Daniel 5:29?
    1. Why did he appoint Daniel third in the kingdom instead of 2nd?
  14. Who was Nelson Glueck? 
    1. President of Hebrew Union College, Archaeologist
  15. How many archaeological sites did Glueck personally discover? 
    1. 1500
  16. How many archaeological discoveries did Glueck know of that contradicted Biblical references? 
    1. none
  17. What did Nelson Glueck say about archaeology and the Bible? 
    1. No archaeological discovery contradicts Bible
  18. Who was William Albright? 
    1. Famous American archaeologist
  19. What was Williams Albright’s unofficial title? 
    1. Dean of Biblical archaeology
  20. What did William Albright say about archaeology and the Bible? 
    1. Archaeology has confirmed innumerable details of Bible
  21. Who was William Ramsey? 
    1. Famous British Archaeologist
  22. Where did William Ramsey teach? 
    1. Oxford University
  23. What was Ramsey’s attitude about God when he began his work in archaeology? 
    1. He was an atheist
  24. What was Ramsey’s attitude about the book of Acts when he began his work in archaeology? 
    1. It had to be full of errors
  25. What did William Ramsey say about archaeology and the Bible?  
    1. Luke was an incredibly accurate historian
  26. What was William Ramsey’s personal testimony? 
    1. After 25 years, became a Christian
  27. How does God use archaeology to cause some people to take Him more seriously? 
    1. Can convince them that the Bible is not myth, but true history