Q & A: Veritas 2020 #04 The Significance of Early Christians Martyrs (part 1)

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  1. What happened to the followers of Jesus after His crucifixion? 
    1. Terrified, trying to hide, behind locked doors.
  2. What’s the best explanation for why churches were planted so quickly all over the Roman empire in spite of persecution?
    1.  So many people had seen the risen Christ.
  3. Why were early Christians persecuted? 
    1. They wouldn’t renounce Christ, admit that He really had not risen, refused to worship Caesar or accept other gods.
  4. Why are Christians persecuted today? 
    1. “Intolerance” (Jesus is the only way), there are no other gods, God will judge sin
  5. What are some false gods that people have today that cause those people to feel under attack by Christians? 
    1. Primarily: Self. Others: family members, career, secular worldview, evolution, money, sports, 
  6. When did the great fire of Rome occur? 
    1. 64 A.D.
  7. Why did Nero decide to blame the Christians? 
    1. People were beginning to realize that Nero himself had done it
  8. What non-christian historian described Christian persecution under Nero?
    1. Tacitus
  9. What did he tell us about that persecution? 
    1. Jesus was crucified, Christians covered with skins of animals and hungry dogs released, nailed to crosses, burnt to illuminate Nero’s gardens,