Q&A: Romans 01:23-25 They Exchanged the Truth about God for a Lie (31:33)

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  1. Why are some people intimidated by people that God calls fools?
    Some of the fools have advanced degrees, an impressive vocabulary, are celebrities, have prestigious positions, have political power, have vast amounts of money.
  2. So what’s the lesson?
    We must never let ourselves be intimidated by the wrong things… by people God calls fools.
  3. What does Paul mean when he calls God “immortal?”
    He is indestructible. He is incorruptible. He is eternal. He lives forever. He is the great “I AM.” He is the self-existing One. All else that exists, gets its existence from Him.
  4. Since God is the only immortal One, how should we respond to Him?
    Worship, Praise, giving Him glory, 
  5. How can we do that?
    Singing songs of true Worship (that don’t focus too much on us, but on giving Him glory and praise.)
  6. How does Satan try to keep us from doing that?
    Make us self-conscious, worrying about what others might think, or how we look to others, or that we might embarrass ourselves, or that we might not seem “respectable.”
  7. What does Paul imply when he uses the word “glory?” (as in “The glory of the immortal God”)
    He’s using the word glory to point to God’s magnificence, His splendor, His brightness, His excellence, His preeminence, His majesty, His perfection, His awesomeness.
  8. What kinds of “images” do many  people choose to worship today?
    A “fake” imaginary God or Jesus that will agree with them about how they want to live their lives. Seeing themselves as their own gods–that is, being able to decide what’s “true” or what’s “right or wrong.”
  9. What does God say in Galatians about people who try to live their lives without reference to God and convince themselves that it doesn’t matter?
    Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. (Galatians 6:7)
  10. What is a common kind of thinking that people use today to try to convince themselves that their sin cannot be helped and should not be condemned?
    by claiming that the sin is part of their identity. They claim that their sin is as much as part of them as their skin color or their height or their eye color.
  11. Who are the people who have strong innate desires to commit sin, with such strong tendencies that they are tempted to think “this is just part of who I am.”?
    All of us. Just in different areas. 
  12. Give some examples of some of those innate desires that some people have to cope with that are so strong that they tend to think, “This is just the way I am?”.
    Maybe it’s a tendency  to desire to have sex with women who are not our wives…. Maybe it’s a tendency  to lose our temper and go into a rage when things don’t go the way we want them to go… or Maybe it’s a tendency  to tell lies to make ourselves look good or to get out of embarrassing circumstances… or Maybe it’s a tendency  to take things that are not ours–maybe we take credit that belongs to someone else or even to God… or Maybe it’s a tendency to gossip… Some people even have an inner tendency to be tempted to have sex with kids… some people have inner tendencies to hurt other people…  the list could go on and on.
  13. Is it true that some people have absolutely no “gods?”
  14. What are some examples of things people have as gods besides the True God?
    Anything that is of ultimate importance to him or her. It could be a job, or an education, or the government, or money, or a family member–a son or daughter or mother or father–, or a spouse, or something as trivial as a truck or a motorcycle. Most of the time, in our day, our educational system has been pretty efficient, with some satanic help, at trying to convince  people to be their own gods.
  15. Why do many people try to deny God over the issue of sex?
    They do not like what God teaches us about sex. They have desires that are being fanned and fueled in a society that is immersed in and driven by various kinds of sexual passion and all kinds of pornography and every imaginable sexual temptation.
  16. Three times in this passage we see the words, “God gave them up.” What is the Greek word for “Gave them up?”
    ?????????? paradidomi
  17. What does it mean?
    Normally it’s used in the context of turning someone over to being a captive, or turn someone over to the control of some authority. It’s used to refer to someone who is being handed over to a judge, or handed over to courts.
  18. When it says, “God gave them up to the lusts of their hearts,” what does the word “lusts” mean?
    ???????? epithumia
    It refers to strong or intense desires, cravings, passions. Usually it refers to evil desires, so usually it is translated “lusts.”
  19. What does the word, “impurity” imply?
    Uncleanness. In the New Testament it’s frequently associated with immorality and sensuality
  20. When He says, “to the dishonoring of their bodies,” what does “dishonoring” mean?
    to treat shamefully, or to treat with contempt.
  21. What does He mean by “creature” when He says that people who reject Him “worship and serve the creature?”
    it can refer to anything that was created. Instead of worshiping God, they worship things God has made
  22. What are some examples of things that people choose to worship other than God?
    Mother Earth, Rain forests, environment, themselves
  23. What does He mean when He says that the true God is “Blessed forever?”
    He is to be “praised,” “celebrated,” “honored,” or “magnified” forever