Questions: Romans 01:23-25 They Exchanged the Truth about God for a Lie (31:33)

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  1. Why are some people intimidated by people that God calls fools?
  2. So what’s the lesson?
  3. What does Paul mean when he calls God “immortal?”
  4. Since God is the only immortal One, how should we respond to Him?
  5. How can we do that?
  6. How does Satan try to keep us from doing that?
  7. What does Paul imply when he uses the word “glory?” (as in “The glory of the immortal God”)
  8. What kinds of “images” do many  people choose to worship today?
  9. What does God say in Galatians about people who try to live their lives without reference to God and convince themselves that it doesn’t matter?
  10. What is a common kind of thinking that people use today to try to convince themselves that their sin cannot be helped and should not be condemned?
  11. Who are the people who have strong innate desires to commit sin, with such strong tendencies that they are tempted to think “this is just part of who I am.”?
  12. Give some examples of some of those innate desires that some people have to cope with that are so strong that they tend to think, “This is just the way I am?”.
  13. Is it true that some people have absolutely no “gods?”
  14. What are some examples of things people have as gods besides the True God?
  15. Why do many people try to deny God over the issue of sex?
  16. Three times in this passage we see the words, “God gave them up.” What is the Greek word for “Gave them up?”
  17. What does it mean?
  18. When it says, “God gave them up to the lusts of their hearts,” what does the word “lusts” mean?
  19. What does the word, “impurity” imply?
  20. When He says, “to the dishonoring of their bodies,” what does “dishonoring” mean?
  21. What does He mean by “creature” when He says that people who reject Him “worship and serve the creature?”
  22. What are some examples of things that people choose to worship other than God?
  23. What does He mean when He says that the true God is “Blessed forever?”