Q & A: Veritas 2020 #29 Get Started Growing in Christ

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  1. In Jesus conversation with Nicodemus (John 3) to what does Jesus compare becoming a Christian?
    1. Being born again
  2. What would parents think and do if their newborn baby didn’t ever seem to be hungry?
    1. Something is badly wrong. Maybe the baby is very sick. They would take it to the doctor.
  3. What does Peter write in his first letter that we as Chistians should do like newborn babies do?
    1. Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation.  (1 Peter 2:2)
  4. What similar thing does Peter say we should do in his second letter?
    1. Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 3:18)
  5. What similar instructions did Paul give the Ephesians?
    1. Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ. (Ephesians 4:15)
    2. Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. (Ephesians 6:10)
  6. What is the last item on the list of characteristics of the fruit of the Holy Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23?
    1. Self-control or self-discipline
  7. What are some of the things that God uses our self-discipline to accomplish?
    1. Stronger prayer life, better Bible study and Bible memory, more involvement in ministries or mission work, better evangelism, more effective spiritual warfare, etc.
  8. Why do you think so many people seem to have so little of it?
    1. Schools and parents may not require it when kids are young. Bad habits. It’s easier, in the flesh, to make “soft” choices. The world around us offers tempting substitutes (e.g., TV, YouTube, etc.). The devil doesn’t want us to have it.
  9. What metaphor does Paul use in 1 Corinthians 9:25 to compare to the Christian life?
    1. An Athlete who must use a lot of self-control. “Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.” (1 Corinthians 9:25)
  10. What’s the difference in the reward for athletes in this life and the rewards for godly self-discipline in our spiritual lives?
    1. One is temporary. The other is eternal.
  11. What are some characteristics of a good church home?
    1. The Bible is God’s Word.
    2. The church doesn’t try to compromise with the culture (e.g., the sexual revolution, critical theory, evolution, abortion, euthansia, etc) They stand firm on God’s revealed truth.
    3. They preach and teach God’s Word, including missions and evangelism.
  12. Why is worship so important?
    1. God uses it to help us keep a right perspective and our focus on Him.
  13. Why is it important for Christians to meet in small groups?
    1. Praying for each other
    2. Experiencing different spiritual gifts
    3. Getting and giving encouragement and support and advice about decisions
    4. Help in seeing our blind spots
    5. Help in holding each other accountable
  14. What two special people do I need to pray for God to put in my life?
    1. A friend who loves Jesus who is close to where I am in spiritual growth
    2. A mentor who has been a serious Christian for many years
  15. Where is a good place to start serious Bible study?
    1. The book of John
  16. What’s a good app for Bible Study on my mobile phone?
    1. Blue Letter Bible.
  17. What are some things I can do with the Blue Letter Bible that will help me better understand God’s Word?
    1. Word studies
    2. Cross references
    3. Commentaries
    4. Other Translations
  18. What are some important things to remember about prayer?
    1. God is ALWAYS with us.
    2. We can use normal language and ordinary words when we talk with God
    3. We need to thank Him often throughout the day
    4. We need to ask Him for wisdom and guidance  often throughout the day in order to make good decisions
    5. Prayer lists will keep us from forgetting people and things we need to be praying for
  19. What are some Christian projects Christians might consider getting involved in?
    1. Singing
    2. Nursing Home visits
    3. Child care
    4. Crisis Pregnancy
    5. Rescue Mission
    6. Jail Ministry
    7. Special Bible studies (e.g., a topic, a book of the Bible, a person of the Bible, a particular Bible doctrine
  20. Why is it important to talk with other Christians about what God is doing in your life?
    1. It will encourage them
    2. It gives them an opportunity to encourage you
    3. It helps them know how to pray for you
  21. Why is it important to talk with non-Christians about what God is doing in your life?
    1. It may help them trust Jesus 
  22. What if some people seem to get irritated when I talk about God
    1. It may be a conviction that God wants to change their lives. 
    2. It helps to remember that people got irritated at Jesus too, as well as at many other Christians throughout history. 
  23. How can our response when people are being ugly be used by the Lord?
    1. When we stay Christlike when others are being ugly, God can use it to encourage other Christians who are watching us. He can also use it to bring conviction to the ones being ugly.
  24. What do I need to remember about temptation?
    1. Temptation is not sin. Jesus was tempted too.
    2. All Christians (even very godly ones!) have to fight against temptation.
    3. Sin is awful and I need to fight all temptation.
  25. What happens if you give in to temptation and commit sin?
    1. Confess it and turn from it immediately
  26. What verse is good to memorize and use when I fall into sin
    1. 1 John 1:9: “ If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
  27. What’s the difference between things that are “urgent” and things that are “important?”
    1. Urgent things have to be done right away. There is a deadline. Time matters. But they are often trivial in the long run
    2. Important things often do not have a particular time or deadline for completion.
  28. What do I need to remember about the “urgent” things of life and the “important” things of life
    1. Urgent things often crowd out the important things. We may tend to postpone important things until “later.” Sometimes we rarely get around to doing them at all, because no deadline is given to us. (e.g. Bible study, Learning a new Worship song, Memorizing a verse, praying for our nation, etc.)
  29. What’s the difference between my spiritual growth and getting a high school diploma?
    1. The high school diploma will be obtained in a few years. Growing stronger in Christ lasts a lifetime.