Q&A: Veritas 2020 #20 “Who is Jesus?” (Part 2) (21:21)

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  1. What kinds of people often claim that Jesus was a wonderful teacher and a great religious leader, but just a man– not God and not risen from the dead?
    Condescending sophisticated self-perceived Intellectuals
  2. Why is this such a popular position with people who think of themselves as sophisticated intellectuals?
    Sounds gracious, popular with secularists, keeps them from being identified with what they perceive to be “hicks, uneducated, the great unwashed, bumpkins, etc.”
  3. Why are they being irrational?
    They claim to accept some teachings, but reject others that they don’t like, with no basis but personal preference. They are rejecting lots of history and evidence, just because they don’t prefer to believe it.
  4. What are some things that Jesus said that prove that He could not have been a great man, but only mortal like the rest of us?
    He could forgive sins, He could give eternal life, He was one with the God the Father, He existed before Abraham, He will come in the clouds
  5. What did C.S. Lewis have to say about these people?
    They were guilty of patronising nonsense
  6. Why don’t you ever hear people seriously calling Jesus a kook?
    Doesn’t sound nice
  7. Why would calling Jesus a kook be irrational?
    He did so much good. His teachings are so profound, so much good done in His name
  8. Why is it irrational to claim that Jesus is only a made-up character and that He never really existed?
    So much evidence in both Christian and non-Christian writings
  9. If someone tries to claim that Jesus never existed, in order to be consistent, what do they have to do with all other ancient history?
    To be consistent, they must reject it all.
  10. Can you name some non-christian historians from the first century who wrote about Jesus and/or the followers of Jesus?
    Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny the Younger
  11. Who was Josephus?
    Jewish Historian (37-100 AD), 
  12. When did he write?
    The Jewish War and Antiquities of the Jews
  13. What did he have to say about James?
    Jesus was called Christ…  James was Jesus brother… James was put to death… 
  14. What did Josephus have to say about John the Baptist?
    John the Baptist was a good man… He had great influence over people… He was killed by Herod… The people thought Herod’s defeat by Aretas was judgment for John’s murder…
  15. What did Josephus have to say about Jesus?
    Jesus worked miracles, was greater than a mere man, was the Christ, was crucified, came to life the third day.
  16. What do skeptics do with some of the most startling quotes from Josephus?
    They claim that the Christian historian, Eusebius, added these things to the manuscripts in the late 3rd century
  17. What is the problem with the skeptics’ opinions about those quotes from Josephus?
    It’s speculation. There is no manuscript evidence to support their claims.
  18. Who was Tacitus?
    Roman historian (56-117 AD) 
  19. When did Tacitus write?
    Late 1st century
  20. What did Tacitus write about Nero, the burning of Rome, and Christians?
    When the people started to realize that Nero started the fire himself, he tried to shift the blame to the Christians and began persecuting them
  21. Who was Suetonius?
    Roman historian (70-130 AD)
  22. When did Suetonius write?
    Early 2nd century
  23. What did Suetonius write about the Emperors Claudius and Christians?
    Claudius expelled Jews/Christians from Rome.
  24. What New Testament passage relates to Suetonius’ comments? 
    Acts 18:2–Claudius expelled the Jews
  25. What did Suetonius write about Nero and Christians?   
    Nero persecuted the Christians
  26. Who was Pliny the Younger?
    Roman judge, lawyer, politician (61-112 AD)
  27. When did he write?
    Late 1st century, early 2nd century
  28. What three questions did Pliny the Younger ask the Emperor Trajan?
    (1) Does age matter?… (2) If they renounce Christ, do they get pardoned?… (3) Do they get executed for simply being Christians? (or do they have be charged with some crime?) 
  29. How did Trajan answer Pliny’s questions?
    Essentially, “You’re doing good. Use your best judgment.”
  30. What is the significance of Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, and Pliny the Younger?
    They provide non-christian confirmation that Jesus and early Christians were historical… not made up stories
  31. So what are those who wish to claim that Jesus never existed forced to admit?
    That NO historical evidence can be trusted… that all history is unknown