Q & A: Veritas 2020 #07 More Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus

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  1. Do some religious leaders gain financially or gain influence because of their position?
    1. Yes
  2. What did the early followers of Christ gain in this world? 
    1. Nothing good. Persecution and martyrdom.
  3. Who was L. Ron Hubbard? 
    1. Founder of Scientology
  4. What’s the difference between the founding of the church of Scientology and the beginning of Christianity? 
    1. Scientology invented by Hubbard, brought him fame, popularity, and money.
  5. Give examples of some people who profit from the gospel today. 
    1. Prosperity gospel preachers, 
    2. certain evangelists and pastors, 
  6. What is the “prosperity gospel?” 
    1. Claiming Biblical basis, men make money into a god. Claim God wants people to be healthy and wealthy. Ask for “seed money” to prove faith.
  7. What is the primary problem of the prosperity gospel? 
    1. It’s a form of idolatry. It isn’t real Christianity.
  8. When did Paul write 1 Corinthians? 
    1. 53-55 A.D.
  9. Where was he when he wrote it? 
    1. Ephesus
  10. What were the cities of Corinth and Ephesus like? 
    1. Disgusting idolatry, pagan goddesses requiring immoral behavior, temple prostitutes, made lots of money
  11. What happened in Ephesus when Paul preached? 
    1. Businesses selling icons, etc were being threatened because so many were turning to Christ
  12. What’s the significance of the evidence presented in 1 Corinthians 15:3-6? 
    1. Powerful evidence of resurrection. 100s who saw Him were still alive to tell about it.
  13. How many people saw Jesus alive after his crucifixion? 
    1. Over 500 at one time. 
  14. Why is the date of this letter so important? 
    1. Early enough for many of them to still be alive
  15. What do non-christian scholars say about the date of 1 Corinthians? 
    1. They agree that all the evidence points to an early date
  16. What, essentially, did Paul invite the Corinthians who might have doubts to do? 
    1. Go talk with those who saw Jesus risen from the dead
  17. What are “Oral Creeds?” 
    1. Brief, easily memorized bits of Scripture given the early church by God before Scriptures were written down
  18. When and how were Oral Creeds used? 
    1. Quoted in early worship services, shared personally, 
  19. Why are they valuable to us now? 
    1. Push early records back to a few years after the resurrection. 
  20. What’s the significance of Paul’s words to Agrippa in Acts 26:26? 
    1. The resurrection of Jesus was not secretive or hidden. It was very public.
  21. Did Jesus appear to anyone other than people who already loved Him? Who?
    1. Yes (e.g., Saul and James)
  22. Describe the change that took place in Saul (Paul) between the time he started toward Damascus and the time he arrived in Damascus. 
    1. From total hatred of Christianity to total Christian and love for Jesus
  23. Why is the theory that the disciples stole the body of Jesus and then pretended that He had risen such a bad theory? 
    1. They wouldn’t have died for a lie
  24. What impossible things would the disciples have had to do in order to steal the body of Jesus? 
    1. Sneak around guards, break seal, move 2-ton stone, 
  25. What was the penalty for breaking a Roman seal? 
    1. Upside-down crucifixion
  26. What was the penalty for Roman soldiers who left their posts? 
    1. death
  27. Describe the change that came over the disciples between the first day or two after Jesus’ crucifixion and the days following His resurrection. 
    1. Fearful and hiding to bold, fearless, willingness to die
  28. Why is the theory that the Jews or maybe the Romans stole the body of Jesus such a bad theory? 
    1. They could have stopped the movement by producing the dead body.
  29. Why is the theory that Jesus didn’t really die, but only swooned (fainted) and revived in the cool tomb such a bad theory? 
    1. Would have been too weak to impress anyone
  30. What is the significance of the grave clothes found in the tomb by Peter and John reported in John 20:3-7?  
    1. They could not have been neat.
  31. What’s the significance of myrrh being used with the burial cloths? 
    1. Very sticky, gummy aromatic substance. Would have caused grave clothes to stick together and to the body.
  32. If grave robbers stole Jesus’ body, how would they have done it? 
    1. Graveclothes and all, or left a mess
  33. Why does the fact that Jesus appeared first to women indicate that this was not a fabricated story? 
    1. Women were considered unreliable witnesses
  34. Why do some people reject the Resurrection of Jesus in spite of the evidence? 
    1. They already have mind made up not to believe. Anti-supernatural worldview.