Q&A: Veritas 2020 #30 Three More Tough Questions (25:44)

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  1. How would you answer someone who claimed that Christians have been responsible for most of the problems in the world?
    Not true. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot have slain 10s of millions.
  2. In particular, how would you answer someone who illustrated the badness of Christians by referring to the crusades, the inquisition, the witch trials, or slavery? 
    Not all who claim the name of Christ are true Christians. Even if true Christians have done bad things, that doesn’t mean Christ has. We follow Christ, not bad so-called Christians.
  3. How would you answer someone who pointed out that the Bible is actually an evil book and referred you to passages advocating the killing of babies?
    God has infinite wisdom. He knows how people would turn out. He gives life so only He can take life. 
  4. How would you answer someone who said, “There can’t be a God who is good and also all-powerful. Otherwise He would stop all the evil in the world.”
    It makes less sense to atheists (if human life is the result of meaningless random collisions of molecules, there can ultimately be no evil. Things just “happen to be.” God may have purposes we can’t yet grasp. Compare a young child whose parents take him to get a shot or have blood work done.
  5. What major problem do atheists have when they try to use the problem of evil to argue against God?
    If there is no God (to define good), then ultimately there can be no “evil.”