Questions: Romans 01:16-18 The Wrath of God (31:46)

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Questions with Answers

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  1. When did Paul write his letter to the Romans?
  2. When did he actually first visit them?
  3. Where was Paul when he wrote the letter?
  4. When was the church in Rome first established?
  5. How do we know it was already a mature church?
  6. When did Nero start persecuting Christians in Rome?
  7. When was Paul finally martyred in Rome?
  8. How do we know that there were many Christians in Rome at that time?
  9. When Paul wrote that he was not “ashamed” of the Gospel, what did the word “ashamed” mean?
  10. Why can we be tempted to be ashamed of the Gospel?
  11. How can we overcome the temptation to be ashamed?
  12. What is the Greek word that is translated “Gospel?”
  13. What does it mean?
  14. What good news?
  15. What is the Greek word that is translated “wrath” in Romans 1:18?
  16. How was the Greek word for wrath used in ancient Greece?
  17. Why do many preachers and Bible teachers rarely mention God’s wrath?
  18. What other character attribute of God does God pair God’s wrath in Romans 2:5?
  19. According to John 3:36, what eventually brings the wrath of God?
  20. How does Jesus parable of the vineyard (Matthew 21:33-41) help us understand God’s wrath?
  21. How did Nathan help David see the need for God’s wrath in David’s own life?
  22. Because of David’s genuine repentance, how did the wrath of God play out in David’s life?
  23. How do men like Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, etc help us see the need for God’s wrath?
  24. What did Jesus teach that demonstrates that the “withholding of blessings” might be a good picture of God’s wrath?
  25. How does the story of the older, generous man and the younger selfish man illustrate the justice of God?
  26. How does our attitude about sin affect our attitude about God’s wrath?
  27. How did Adam’s sin affect the entire creation?
  28. How did God solve that sin problem?
  29. What will happen ultimately to the creation because of Jesus death on the cross?
  30. What happens to those who reject God’s solution?
  31. What would we think of a human judge who simply overlooked crimes and allowed criminals to go free?
  32. What does the word “ungodliness” mean in Romans 1:18?
  33. What does the word “unrighteousness” mean in Romans 1:18?
  34. How do men suppress the truth?
  35. What did Jesus say about God’s Word and the truth in His high Priestly prayer?
  36. What did Jesus say about Himself and the Truth?
  37. What did Jesus call the Holy Spirit, regarding the truth?
  38. What did Jesus say about us as His disciples and the truth when we live in His Word?
  39. How does God often identify Himself regarding the truth?
  40. Why are people who suppress the truth often effective in their deception?