Earlier Pages

Here are some links to older pages. Gradually optimizing these for mobile.

Why We Are Christians

Become a Christian

Become a Christian (more detail) 

Substitutionary Atonement

Basic Bible Doctrine for Children

Christian Terminology for New Christians

Early Church History Timeline

Understanding the Bible

Tips for Effective Bible Study

Bible Translations–Q&A
Am I Really Looking at the Evidence?

Security of the Believer

Security of the Believer Podcast

Dealing with Sinful Anger

The Names of God

Deity of Christ

Biblical Principles for Successful Marriage

Counsel for Young Preachers

Counsel for Young Preachers Podcast (Part 1 of 4)

Spiritual Growth for Youth–(Listen Online!)

Introduction to Apologetics

Introduction to Apologetics

Who is Jesus?

Help for Skeptics

A Great Moral Teacher?

Molecular Biology

Multimedia Presentation–God is the Creator

Veritas Club Handouts

 Christianity vs Secular Humanism

Christianity vs. Secular Humanism Comparison Chart for Students

Preaching the Faith of Secular Humanism

Creation vs Evolutionism

Creation vs. Evolutionism

Definition of Terms

(Important! Read this!)


Scientists on Evolutionism

Bombardier Beetle

Molecular Biology

Answers to Evolutionism

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

Foreword to Spiritual Warfare Pages

Warning for Spiritual Warfare Pages

Introduction to Spiritual Wafare Pages

The Weapons

Belt of Truth

Breastplate of  Righteousness

Shoes of Peace

Shield of Faith

Helmet of Salvation

The Sword

Binding and Loosing

Security of Believer

(Special topics on Spiritual Warfare Pages)

Expressions of Praise

Praise Passages

Who We Are in Christ

The Power in Us

Effectiveness of Prayer

Offensive Warfare

Personal Discipline

Fiery Trials

Fiery Trials     

Helpful Scriptures

Romans 5:3-4

Purposes of Adversity

Keeping Perspective

1 Corinthians 10:13

The Shoes of Peace

Spurgeon (Part 1)

Spurgeon (Part 2)

Introduction to Posttribulationalism


Posttribulational Scriptures Summary

Is the Return of Christ Imminent?

Am I Really Looking at the Evidence?

The Antichrist

Preparation for the End-Times 

Richard Perry’s List of Posttribulational Scholars

For many more topics, check the Weblog!