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Questions with Answers
Table of Videos
- What other name is Critical Theory often called?
- Why does Critical Theory often appeal to Christians who have only a superficial understanding of it?
- What does the “bait and switch” tactic (often used to confuse Christians) attempt to do?
- What is an example of a “bait and switch” tactic that is used by evolutionists?
- How do Christians show that they believe “black lives matter” more than the people behind the “black lives matter” movement?
- What was the primary focus of Karl Marx?
- How did Marx try to bring about revolution?
- How do critical theory advocates re-spin marxism?
- What do critical theory advocates mean by “intersectionality?”
- Briefly explain 1) how Christians would answer the following questions and 2) how critical theory would answer them:
- Who am I?
- What is my primary problem?
- What is the solution to our problem?
- What is my goal in life?
- What must I confess?
- How can I be redeemed?
- What is my primary duty?
- What is truth?
- What is the relationship between different groups?
- How should I think about Christians who are in minority groups but who reject critical theory?
- What if I find that the Bible teaches something I have not believed?
- What should I believe about God?
- How can I tell if I’m a racist?
- What is oppression?
- What should Christians do who have personally experienced the pain of racism?
- Is it OK to advance my goals by using violence?
- Is it possible for systemic racism to exist?
- Whom should I resist?
- How should I react to those who disagree with me?
- What happens when so-called “oppressors” are successfully overthrown
- What should I think of identity politics?
- Who is responsible for my personal behavior?
- What is racism?
- What is the place of reason and logic and investigation?
- Is it possible for someone in the oppressed group to be suffering the consequences of his or her own irresponsible behavior?
- Why is critical theory so appealing to Christians?