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Answers to these questions
- What is a possible transition sentence to lead into the discussion about God?
- Give two verses that teach that God is a God of love.
- Why do some people have trouble with the truth that God is just?
- Give three verses that emphasize that God is just.
- What illustrations help people understand the need for God to be just?
- What’s a possible transition sentence to lead into a discussion of Christ?
- What is a good way to begin the discussion of who Jesus is?
- What’s the most common answer most people give to the question, “Who is Jesus?”
- What’s wrong with that answer?
- What question will help clarify that answer?
- Who is Jesus?
- Give three passages that teach that Jesus is God.
- What are the circumstances that lead up to Thomas’s confession that Jesus is God?
- What did Jesus do? (What is the main reason He came?)
- Give two verses that emphasize what Jesus did.
- What powerful illustration to communicate what Jesus did for us uses the verse in Isaiah 53?
- What was the Greek word used to communicate what Jesus meant when He said, “It is finished.”?
- What does the word mean?
- How was it often used in those days?
- How can the word GRACE be used as an acronym?