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Questions with Answers
Warriors of Christ Links Page
- What is the first verse in the Bible?
- What do secularists believe about that verse?
- What do the secularists say about how we got here?
- How do these secularists tend to define “science”
- What is philosophical naturalism/materialism?
- Why do they like to call it “science.”
- How did our culture become so confused and deceived about sexual and gender issues?
- What is unusual about the Hebrew word, Elohim, one of God’s names? And what is it’s significance?
- What other verse in Genesis 1 points us to the Trinity?
- According to John 1, Who created the world and everything in it?
- According to Colossians 1, Who created everything in heaven and earth?
- Is it to be expected that there will be things about God and His creation that our little minds cannot comprehend?
- What does our enemy, the devil, try to whisper to us when we run into a tough question about God or His creation?
- Do Biblical Christians, who all agree that God created the heavens and the earth, agree about HOW God did it?
- Did it occur to people, before the past 200 years or so when scientists started announcing that the earth was billions and billions of years old, that the Bible might be pointing us to a creation that was billions and billions of years ago?
- What is the “gap theory?”
- Who popularized the so-called “gap theory?”
- What is the “day-age” theory?
- Who is one of the most prominent proponents of the “day-age” theory?
- Give other examples of Godly men who did(do) not accept the idea of a “young” earth (only thousands rather than billions of years old)?
- What is “Theistic evolution?”
- Is the “day-age” theory the same as “theistic evolution?”
- What’s the difference?
- What are some other theories of Genesis 1?
- Is it OK for Christians to disagree about these things?
- How do many evolutionists use a logical fallacy to try to convince kids that they already believe in evolution?
- Why are many atheistic evolutionists surprised at theistic evolutionists?
- Why do many Christians who know very few of the real details and problems with evolution accept it as true?