Q&A: Veritas #35 Sex: God’s Good Gift (For Marriage Only) (51:47)

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  1. What Television program debuted on CBS in 1951 that changed television forever?
    I Love Lucy
  2. How was their bedroom presented?
    Two twin beds
  3. Why was it presented that way?
    It was too scandalous to imply that the married couple (who were actually married in real life) might sleep in the same bed.
  4. What term did CBS choose to use instead of using the word “pregnant?” Why?
    “Expecting.” “Pregnant” was thought to be too explicit.
  5. What kinds of things has secular society tried to normalize in the sexual revolution of the past few decades?
    All kinds of sexual behavior, regardless of what the Bible teaches. Including homosexuality, bisexuality, multiple sexual partners, sex before marriage, etc.
  6. What do the sexual revolutionists call Christians who believe what the Bible says about these things?
    Haters, bigots, etc. They try to shame Christians and shut them up. To disagree is to be unloving.
  7. How have many Christians tried to avoid being called names?
    Avoid the topic. Try to be “nonjudgmental.” Soft-pedal the truth. Sometimes capitulating to the secular humanist idea that “it’s not hurting anybody, so it must be ok.”
  8. How do the sexual revolutionists miss the true meaning of “love?”
    Love means telling the truth about sin and its consequences, not just telling people what they want to hear
  9. What’s the problem with people trying to decide what’s right and wrong based on whether it hurts anybody or not?
    Sometimes the harm is a long range consequence. The eventual consequences of sin are not always immediately obvious.
  10. How does God help us with that?
    He reveals the truth about long range consequences in His Word. 
  11. What areas of truth might men miss if God had not revealed it in His Word?
    The truth about Him, about us, about the world we live in, about the future, about sin and its consequences, about salvation, etc. 
  12. Why does God give us commands?
    To protect us
  13. How did Satan tempt Eve in the Garden of Eden?
    By convincing her that God was holding out on her. That she would have more fun and fulfillment if she disobeyed God.
  14. How does Satan tempt people today?
    The same way.
  15. In 1 Corinthians 7, how does God make it clear that sex outside of a covenant relationship of marriage leads to bad outcomes?
    He says it’s better to GET MARRIED than it is to burn with passion
  16. What does the Bible teach that Christians are to do if they desire sex, but it is impossible for them to get married?
    Pray to avoid temptation, avoid situations that can lead to temptation, ask a godly friend or mentor to hold us accountable, resist Satan in spiritual warfare
  17. What is the Greek Word usually translated “adultery?”
  18. What does it refer to?
    a MARRIED person having sex with someone other than his or her spouse
  19. What is the other Greek word that refers to sexual sins?
  20. What does it refer to?
    ALL KINDS of sexual sin
  21. What’s the significance of two different words for sexual sin?
    To emphasize that adultery is not the only form of sexual sin
  22. How do we know both are sins?
    Jesus used both words in a list of sins in Matthew 15:19. In Galatians 5 both are called “works of the flesh” in another list of sins. Paul explicitly called porneia sin in 1 Corinthians 6:18
  23. Why did God create sex to be so powerful a drive?
    Sex between a man and a woman in a marriage covenant is the closest human relationship to the Holy Trinity. It’s also the way God has chosen to explain His relationship to us in Ephesians 5
  24. How do we know that Isaac and Rebecca were actually married and didn’t just “have sex?”
    She is always referred to as Isaac’s “wife” (not his friend, live-in, etc.)
  25. Is there anything wrong with having elaborate weddings?
    No. Not unless they encourage people to go into debt, or create unnecessary financial hardship
  26. Do weddings have to be elaborate?
  27. What is the essential part of a wedding?
    A husband and wife entering into a lifelong covenant commitment with each other in a public fashion.
  28. Why do many people today wish to postpone weddings?
    They wish to finish college, establish a career, make a lot of money, etc. before settling down in a marriage
  29. Why is that a bad idea?
    The sexual drive is so strong. Postponing marriage often results in too much sexual temptation. Plus it deprives a young couple the joy of working through tough times together as a married unit. Plus it makes it too easy to “call it quits” when the going gets rough.
  30. What do we learn about marriage from Joseph and Mary?
    The betrothal time period was equivalent to a marriage commitment without sex. A divorce was required to end it.
  31. Why does God make it clear that marriage and sex are only for a man and a woman who are married to each other?
    God is the One who designed and engineered our male and female bodies and souls. He knows what works. He knows the long range problems that come when we “go with our emotions” instead of living by His Word.
  32. What are some of the problems many people experience when they choose to live together without a marriage covenant commitment?
    More long range unhappiness, more domestic violence, lower levels of satisfaction with the relationship, women are more likely to be abused, children are more likely to be abused, lower levels of marital satisfaction, greater likelihood that the relationship won’t last
  33. What is the purpose of sex within the marriage relationship?
    Joy, oneness, babies
  34. Does God allow marriage between two people of the same sex in some situations? (e.g. two men or two women?)
    No. For a complete discussion, listen to the two-part study from Romans 1:26-27 entitled Dishonorable Passions.
  35. What excuses do some young couples give for living together before making a commitment to marriage?
    They claim financial reasons. They claim that they are trying  to decide if they are compatible–if they are really a good match. They claim that they want an elaborate wedding that they cannot afford yet. They claim that they cannot afford the kind of wedding ring(s) they wish to have. Many of their friends, family members, and acquaintances have chosen to live together outside marriage. They may feel, “married in God’s eyes” without a wedding. (remember: marriage is NOT a secret relationship!) They may want to keep their options open for an easy separation if things don’t work out.
  36. What’s the problem with looking for “compatibility?”
    “Compatibility” comes and goes. Just because  you feel “compatible” with someone today, doesn’t mean you will feel “compatible” later on. That’s one reason marriage needs to be a lifelong commitment, in order to get through the times you feel “incompatible.” No two people will always be “compatible.”
  37. What can be the difference between “living together” and “bound in a marriage covenant together” when the though times come?
    It’s easy to bail out if there are no covenant bonds. A marriage covenant enables us to work thought the tough times and come out on the other side stronger than ever.
  38. So how can a young person find the right spouse if compatibility is not the main issue?
    Pray for someone who loves God and is committed to Jesus and His Word. Consider physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental attraction. Make sure life goals are similar. Get godly counsel. Determine to save sex for after marriage.
  39. Why do so many marriages (and live-in relationships too) fail in America today?
    One (often both) of the spouses is selfish and narcissistic. He or she is the center of his or her universe, not God. When things don’t go their way, they want out.
  40. Does the Bible allow for divorce? Under what conditions?
    Yes, the Bible allows for divorce for adultery and abandonment. (But it’s easy to divorce for the wrong reasons.)
  41. Why is sex outside a marriage covenant so bad?
    It destroys, mars, and perverts the picture of our relationship with Jesus.
  42. Why does it happen so often?
    The sex drive is strong. Temptation to lust and sexual sin is powerful. We are good at making excuses and rationalizing and justifying ourselves.
  43. What if I have already done it?
    Confess it as sin. Stop it. Avoid circumstances where it might happen again. Believe God that sin always brings really horrible consequences. Commit your sex drive to God and ask Him for grace to save it for after you have entered a covenant of marriage.