Pastors Tempted to Compromise God’s Truth

One of my former students who now pastors a local church, Roman Hamilton, and Roman’s close brother in the Lord, Paul Chapman, have launched a new podcast called “Truth Revival.” Roman invited me to sit down with them for a free-wheeling conversation about some of the ways pastors may be tempted to compromise God’s truth, especially in the areas of critical theory and the sexual revolution.

This post contains excerpts from that conversation. Hope it helps you stand firm in God’s Word and on God’s Truth!

You can find the Truth Revival Podcast here:

You can find the video I posted in October 2020 as an introduction to Critical Theory here:

Stay in the battle!



Steve serves as chaplain and teacher at Cross Creek Christian School in Sweetwater, TN. He previously taught math, physics, and ACT prep in public high schools in Tennessee and Texas. He has served churches in Tennessee, Florida, and Texas as minister of education, associate pastor, and senior pastor.