Important Information Regarding Steve Hall’s Pass/Fail Classes at Cross Creek Christian School

I have found it necessary to change my policy regarding pass/fail classes at Cross Creek. This would include Warriors of Christ (Veritas), ACT Prep, and Men & Women of the Bible.

When a student is present in class, he or she receives a grade of 100 for that day. When a student is absent, he or she receives a grade of zero. If a student is more than 10 minutes late, but less than 20 minutes late, he or she will receive a 50 for that day. If a student wishes to make up any missed class, he or she may watch the YouTube video at home for that class, as before. But I have found it necessary to change my policy for credit for watching missed classes. Credit may be still be obtained for missed classes, but students must turn in a “Form for Credit for Pass/Fail Class” for each class missed. I have paper forms I can give you when you get back to school, or, if you prefer, you may print a copy of the form found here.

A YouTube playlist of all class videos can be found here.

Thank you for your understanding!

Stay in the Battle!

Steve Hall