Ezekiel 40-48–Ezekiel’s Temple

This is a passage that I tried to study many years ago. At that time I decided that I never wanted to try to teach it! The reason was simple. I could not understand it.

The truth is, I still feel pretty much the same now! This is a difficult passage of Scripture.

In this podcast, I try to briefly lay out three approaches to understanding Ezekiel’s Temple, offering some of the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.

One lesson we learn from this passage is to stay humble when we are trying to understand passages about which sincere and serious Christian teachers may disagree!

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Steve serves as chaplain and teacher at Cross Creek Christian School in Sweetwater, TN. He previously taught math, physics, and ACT prep in public high schools in Tennessee and Texas. He has served churches in Tennessee, Florida, and Texas as minister of education, associate pastor, and senior pastor.