Comments on Posts

The following comments are from people who have watched or listened to our Veritas videos or Bible studies. This page is here for the purpose of encouraging others to check out the videos (or podcasts) and hopefully grow better equipped to stand firm in our Lord Jesus and in the Scriptures.

If any of these posts have helped you personally in your own Christian walk, we would love for you to send us a comment that we could add to this page!

Stay in the battle!


YouTube Playlist of Steve’s Veritas 2020 videos

YouTube Playlist of Steve’s Bible Studies


“These videos are great, strengthening me as I prepare for our Veritas Club meetings. Then, my middle school kids hang on every word, ask questions, give input, and they take notes so they can share with others, remember, and recall the information after class.

“It is just the information I’ve been looking for at just the right time! It equips me to strengthen kids with the truth! Additionally, I’ve been sending links to the videos for families to view, not just my students.

“All the research is done. It’s all in one place. It’s compelling. It’s factual. It’s easy to use and pass on.

“My younger daughter isn’t in Veritas Club yet, and she wants me to make time for her to see these! Also, I can watch these at my leisure often late at night.

“At the great ministry, Summit Ministries, kids have to be certain ages, stay over night, and pay high prices for this same kind of undergirding information.

“My parents have been tellling me about their Sunday School teacher for years, now I get to experience his work myself. It’s here for free! Check it out!”

April Shepherd, Member of Smoky Mountain Home Education Association, and a Director of Classical Conversations of Oak Ridge.


“I learned so much in Veritas that really changed my whole stance on Christianity, and I can confidently say that I stand a little firmer now in my faith because of your class. Thank you so much for those resources you provide for your students and anybody who God leads to them! He will certainly bless your efforts, Mr. Hall! He is so faithful!”

Bella, 17, former Veritas class student


“I would like to share with you about a special series of video messages I have discovered about every day issues that we all face and what the scriptures have to say about them. These messages also make the Word of God come alive and relate to all ages. The series is called the Veritas series and is narrated by a godly man who is both a Bible scholar and a current schoolteacher who cares deeply about his students, Mr. Steve Hall.”

Victor Bridges, retired Physician Assistant


In this day with so much information at our fingertips and so many teachers to teach us, I require one thing in those I allow to scatter seeds in my mind: I want to see the love of our Father shining through them. I can honestly say Steve is one of these beloved individuals. His studies challenge me and sharpen me as iron sharpens iron, and it’s his love, joy and humble spirit that will invite you to sit with him. 

Clay Marshall, Father of Cross Creek student


The world teaches that the Bible has no place in modern society.
Psychology has taken the place of solid, Biblical theology and the world continues to spread false and deadly doctrine about current issues. So where do you go to find the truth? If you are earnestly looking for a site to find sound, Biblical based teaching, look no further. With the Abounding Joy website and Veritas presentations, Steve Hall has taken the words Paul wrote to Timothy to heart. “Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge.” (1 Tim. 6:20) Study with Steve Hall and you will find yourself firmly based in the truth of God’s Word.

Ron French, Deacon & Adult Bible Teacher at Sevier Heights Baptist Church, Knoxville, TN
