A lot of younger guys seem to be combing their hair straight up at odd angles these days. So I decided to try that once just after I had gotten out of the shower. After a quick look in the mirror, I […]
Let me offer you some thought-provoking questions. When was the last time you changed your thinking about something you previously thought was right but that you now believe to be wrong? Or reverse that… When was the last time you thought that something was in error that you now believe to be correct? When was the last time you actually changed my belief about something?
(This post was corrupted when our site was hacked in November, 2012. It was then deleted and is now reposted here.) Southern Baptist churches have gone on record as maintaining that Pastors of SBC churches should be men. To many that sounds […]
The third verse of the Book of Revelation says… “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.” (Rev 1:3) Through the years […]
The world is full of people who have very stong opinions about current cultural, theological, philosophical, and world-view issues. The truth is that all of us (Yes, A-L-L of us!) have a world view! I was astonished the other day when Dr. […]
The world is full of controversial subjects! Jesus and His followers were nothing if not controversial! If we do our best to follow Him closely, we can expect to be somewhat controversial as well! We need to have a personal plan for […]