The purpose of this page is to give parents and teachers a tool for teaching basic Bible doctrine to children.
In 1985, I put together a list of 150 questions and answers for parents in our church. The aim was to provide a tool for parents to use in helping make sure their children learned some of the basic doctrines of the church. I have added twelve questions to that list, making a total of 162 questions.
These particular questions may, or may not, be appropriate for you to use in teaching your own children. In any case, they should be a good starting point. It has always been my belief that it is first and foremost the responsibility of the parents to make sure their own children learn the basic truths of the faith.
Needless to say, this is not an attempt to “prove” or “convince” others of the truths mentioned on this page. That is for another place. Neither is it an attempt to be “exhaustive” in the material it covers. It is only a starting point. You may wish to add questions of your own. It is meant to be a simple tool to assist parents who may already adhere to these beliefs in passing them on to their children.
May God bless you as you seek to “train up your children in the way they should go.”
Steve Hall
July 2000
I have put together this list of questions and answers to help you teach your children (especially 10 years and up) some of the very basic fundamental Bible doctrines they will need if they are to be solid in the faith.
Many years ago parents used similar plans (they sometimes called them “catechisms”) to make sure their children maintained the essentials of Biblical faith. Today, many children in Christian homes grow up ignorant of these basic truths. They are so easily deceived and misled by humanists and cultists when they reach late teen years and early adulthood.
My prayer is that you will faithfully review these questions with your children at mealtime or bedtime. Aim for understanding, not just rote memorization. Discuss the concepts freely.
I believe that, over a period of time, it will help your children become stronger in the Lord and better able to stand in the day of testing!
Steve Hall
December 1985
The Bible
1. What is the most important book that has ever been written?
A – The Bible
2. What is the Bible?
A – God’s word to man.
3. What is another term for the Bible?
A – The Holy Scriptures
4. Does the Bible contain any errors or mistakes?
A – No, God cannot lie or make mistakes.
5. Was not the Bible written by men?
A – Yes, but they were men inspired by God in such a way as to keep them from writing errors. “All scripture is inspired by God.” (2 Tim 3:16) “Men, moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.” (2 Peter 1:21)
6. What are the two main divisions of the Bible?
A – The Old Testament and New Testament.
7. What is the dividing point between the Old and New Testament?
A – The birth of Jesus.
8. In what language was the Old Testament originally written?
A – Hebrew
9. In what language was the New Testament originally written?
A – Greek
10. Who is the most important person spoken of in the Bible?
A – God
11. In what three persons does God reveal Himself?
A – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Mt 28:19)
12. Is anyone of these three persons greater or more important than the other two?
A – No.
13. Have all three of these Persons existed forever from eternity past?
A – Yes
14. So then are there three Gods?
A – No. There is ONE God who reveals Himself to exist as three persons.
15. Can we understand this?
A – No. God is greater than our minds can understand.
16. What name do we give to these three persons in One God?
A – The Holy Trinity
17. Name three attributes of God that prove His complete trustworthiness.
A – He is all-powerful, all-wise, and all-loving.
18. What if God were all-powerful and all-wise, but not all-loving?
A – He might hurt us or not want to do what is best for us.
19. What if He were all-powerful and and all-loving, but not all-wise?
A – He might not know what was best for us.
20. What if He were all-wise and all-loving but not all-powerful?
A – He might not be able to do what is best for us.
21. What is God’s primary name?
A – “Jehovah” or “Yahweh” in the Hebrew. (Ex. 3:14)
22. What does “Jehovah” or “Yahweh” mean?
A – The Eternal One (Literally – “I AM”)
23. What does it mean to say God is Eternal?
A – He exists from eternity past through eternity future. He always lives. He never had a beginning nor will He ever have any ending.
24. What does it mean to say God is “Immutable?”
A – He never changes. He is the same forever.
25. What does it mean to say He is “Omnipresent?”
A – He everywhere, all the time.
26. What does it mean to say He is “Omniscient?”
A – He knows all things.
27. What does it mean to say He is “Omnipotent?”
A – He is all-powerful.
Creation and the Fall
28. Who created the universe and all that is in it?
A – God
29. How did He create His universe?
A – By speaking the word and it was done. (Genesis 1)
30. What were the names of the first man and woman?
A – Adam and Eve
31. Were they really the first two human beings or only symbolic?
A – They were really the first two human beings. (The New Testament confirms this: 1 Tim 2:13; Rom 5:l2ff; 1 Cor 15:45ff; 2 Cor 11:3)
32. How did God create Adam?
A – He formed him out of dust and breathed into him the breath of life. (Gen 2:7)
33. How did He create Eve?
A – Out of the rib of man. (Gen 2:22)
34. Could they have “evolved” from lower life forms, such as ape-like creatures? Why or why not?
A – No. This would make God a liar.
35. Who are evolutionists?
A – People who try to explain the existence of higher forms of life without reference to God and creation.
36. What does God call people who choose to ignore Him?
A – Fools (Psalm 14:1; 53:1)
37. Are there any highly educated, highly intelligent men who accept the Biblical account of creation?
A – Yes. There are thousands of scientists who reject the theory of evolution and believe God’s account of creation.
38. Did God create Adam and Eve as sinners?
A – No
39. What was their state while living in the Garden of Eden?
A – A state of sinless innocence.
40. How did Satan tempt Adam to sin?
A – By first tempting Eve and using her to tempt Adam.
41. What happened as a result of Adam’s sin?
A – He, and all of his descendents (which includes all human beings) became corrupt and sinful.
42. What do we call this tragic event?
A – The fall of man.
43. What person of the Trinity came to earth and lived as a man?
A – God the Son
43. What is His name?
A – Jesus
44. Is Jesus fully God?
A – Yes
46. Did He begin to exist in the past or does He exist eternally?
A – He exists eternally.
47. Has He always been the same or has He changed in any way?
A – He has always been the same.
48. What does the name Jesus mean?
A – Savior
49. What is His full title?
A – The Lord Jesus Christ
50. Why is He called “Lord”?
A – Because He is to be obeyed as our Master.
51. What does the word “Christ” mean?
A – “Christ” is the Greek form of the Hebrew “Messiah.” It means “Anointed One”. He is anointed by God the Father to be the Master and Savior of the world.
52. How did God the Son become a man?
A- By becoming a tiny baby in the womb of the virgin Mary and being born as a child.
53. Was Jesus tempted to sin like we are?
A – Yes, “He was tempted in all things as we are.” (Hebrews 4:15)
54. Did He ever yield to temptation and commit sin of any kind?
A – No, “He was tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.” (Hebrews 4:15)
55. Did Jesus, having never sinned even once, deserve to die?
A – No
56. Why did Jesus come into the world as a man?
A – To die on the cross
57. Why did He die?
A- He died in our place, as our substitute, to pay the penalty for our sins, and to enable us to have eternal life.
58. What happened to Jesus after He was crucified and buried?
A – He rose again. (I Cor. 15:4)
59. What does His resurrection from the dead prove?
A – He conquered death, hell, and the grave.
60. What is sin?
A – Sin is the transgression of God’s law (1 Jn 3:4). It is disobeying God.
61. What is a “sin of commission”?
A – When we do something God has forbidden us to do.
62. Give 5 examples of sins of commission.
A – Lying, stealing, disobeying parents, boasting, losing our temper.
63. What is a “sin of omission”?
A – When we do not do something God has commanded us to do.
64. Give 5 examples of sins of omission.
A – Not praying, not reading the Bible, not telling others about Jesus, not gathering with others to worship, not giving generously to God’s work and those in need.
65. If not taken care of where does sin lead to?
A – Death and hell. Separation from God.
66. Are some sins so minor and unimportant that they would not lead to death and hell?
A- No. Any and all sin leads to death and hell. (Gal 3:10; Jms 2:10; Rom 3:23)
67. Are some people, other than Christ, so good that they can avoid sin altogether?
A – No. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Rom 6:23)
68. What is temptation?
A – A thought that it might be desirable or pleasurable to commit a particular sin.
69. Is temptation a sin itself?
A – No (Heb 4:15)
70. What are the consequences of sin in a Christian’s life?
A – Loss of fellowship with God (l Jn 1:6); Chastisement from God (Heb 12:6); Sometimes death (I Cor 11:30); Sometimes removal from fellowship of church (I Cor 5:4-5)
71. What should a Christian do when he realizes he has sinned?
A – Confess it to God immediately, then thank Him for His immediate forgiveness (1 Jn 1:9).
72. Does the fact that Jesus died for the sins of the world mean everybody goes to heaven automatically?
A – No, many will go to hell. (Matt 7:14; 25:41,46)
73. Then what must we do to be saved from hell and have our sins forgiven?
A – Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 16:31)
74. Is “belief” the same as “faith” in the Bible?
A – Yes. These words translate the same Greek word.
75. What are the three elements of saving faith?
A- 1) We must know the facts, as given in scripture about God, Christ, ourselves, and sin. 2) We must accept these facts as being true. 3) We must commit ourselves to Jesus, trusting Him and only Him to save us.
76. Is it not enough to realize that He really is the Son of God and accept as true what the Bible teaches about Him?
A – No. Demons “believe” in that sense, yet they do not go to heaven. (Jms 2:19; Mark 5:7)
77. Can we get to heaven by trying extra hard to be very good?
A – No. No one is good enough to earn heaven. Jesus and Jesus alone is the way to heaven. (John 14:6)
78. Once a person truly puts his trust in Jesus, can he lose salvation and go to hell after all?
A – No. (Jn 10:28-30; Eph 4:30; Rom 8:28-39; 5:8-9)
79. Name 7 things that happen when one trusts the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.
A- 1) Jesus comes to live inside us. 2) We are immediately justified. 3) We are sanctified. 4) We are given eternal life. 5) Our old inner man dies. 6) We become new creatures. 7) We become children of God.
80. Name 7 different ways we refer to the experience of trusting the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.
A- 1) Being saved. 2) Being converted. 3) Becoming a Christian. 4) Receiving Christ. 5) Being born again. 6) Trusting Jesus. 7) Being regenerated.
81. Do all these phrases refer to the same experience?
A – Yes
82. How does it feel to have this experience?
A -It does not feel any particular way. Some people weep. Some simply have an inner joy to know what Jesus has done for them.
83. Does the Bible teach we should feel a certain way when we are saved?
A – No
84. Can a person be saved and not feel anything?
A – Most certainly. When we trust Jesus we are saved, regardless of feelings.
85. What does it mean to be “justified?”
A – It means God has forgiven all our sins and has declared us to be righteous because of Jesus.
86. What does it mean to be “sanctified?”
A – To be set apart for God’s use; to be set apart from sin to obey God; to be made “holy”.
87. Is sanctification something that has already happened or something that is still happening to a Christian?
A – Both. We were set apart for God’s service when we trusted Jesus, and we are still being daily set apart from sin in order to obey Him. (I Thes 5:23; I Cor 6:11)
88. What is another way of expressing the idea of sanctification?
A – Growing to be more and more like Jesus.
89. What is glorification?
A – We are glorified when we receive new eternal bodies which cannot perish.
90. When will we be “glorified”?
A – Glorification refers to the final aspect of our salvation. It occurs at the resurrection when Jesus comes back to earth again.
91. What happens to one who dies without trusting Jesus Christ?
A – He (or she) goes into hell.
92. What is hell like?
A – It is a place of everlasting punishment, a place of torment, a place without the love of God.
93. Was it prepared for man?
A – No. It was prepared for the devil and his demons. (Matt 25:41)
94. How can a God of love send people there?
A – He does not. He has done everything possible to keep us out of hell. Men go there by refusing God’s means of salvation.
95. What is Christian Baptism?
A – The immersion down into the water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, of one who is trusting the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.
96. If a person trusted Jesus and died before being baptized would he go to heaven? Why?
A – Yes, because we trust only Jesus for salvation, not Jesus plus baptism.
97. Then why do we need to be baptized? (Give two reasons.)
A – 1) God commands us. (Mt 28:18-20); 2) It gives a beautiful picture and testimony of what Jesus has done for us. (Rom 6:1-11)
98. What does baptism picture?
A – Death, burial, and resurrection. (Rom 6:1-11)
99. Whose death, burial, and resurrection is portrayed?
A -Jesus’ and ours.
100. What 2 aspects of our burial and resurrection are portrayed?
A – 1) The death and burial of our old inner person and our resurrection as a new creature. 2) The future death and burial of our body and the resurrection of our glorified bodies.
101. Must baptism be by immerson?
A – Yes. Only immersion can adequately picture burial and resurrection. The word “baptism” in the Greek means “immersion”.
102. Is baptism that occurs before real salvation valid baptism? Why?
A – No. Baptism must be a picture of what has really happened to us. Baptism of an unsaved person is meaningless.
103. Should baptism be a public experience? Why?
A- Yes. Because it is a testimony to others of what Jesus has done for us. We must not be ashamed of Him. (Luke 9:26)
104. Does it matter who performs the baptism?
A – No. (I Cor 1:13-17)
105. What special designation is given to the special commandment of baptism?
A – It is referred to as an “ordinance”.
The Lord’s Supper
106. Are there any other special commands called ordinances? How many?
A Yes, one other. (Two ordinances in all.)
107. What is the other ordinance?
A – The Lord’s Supper
108. Do these ordinances help us to be saved?
A – No. Only Jesus saves us.
109. Would it be proper to refer to these ordinances as “sacraments?”
A – No. The word “sacrament” implies that it helps us to be saved. Only Jesus saves us.
110. What are the two things we take at the Lord’s Supper?
A – Unleavened bread and unfermented grape juice.
111. What are the bread and juice called?
A – The “elements”.
112. What does the bread represent?
A – The body of our Lord Jesus. (I Cor 11:24)
113. What does the juice represent?
A – The blood of our Lord Jesus. (I Cor.11:25)
114. Does the bread and juice miraculously change in substance when we eat and drink them?
A – No. They simply represent or symbolize Jesus’ body and blood.
115. What is another name by which we refer to the Lord’s Supper?
A – Communion
116. Why is the bread unleavened and the juice unfermented?
A – The yeast that causes bread to rise and juice to ferment is used in the Bible to refer to sin. Jesus was sinless in body and blood.
117. Who may partake of the Lord’s Supper?
A – Only those who are trusting the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation (I Cor.11:23)
118. Are there any other conditions, such as baptism or membership in our local church?
A – No. (I Cor. 11:23)
119. What should we think of before we eat the Lord’s Supper?
A – We should examine our lives making sure we are in close fellowship with the Lord Jesus and all our sins are confessed and repented of. (I Cor. 11:28)
120. What should we think of as we eat the Lord’s Supper?
A – Our Lord Jesus Christ, dying on the cross to pay for our sins. (I Cor 11:26)
Christian Living
121. What are 4 areas of responsibility for a Christian’s personal spiritual growth?
A – 1) Private Devotions; 2) Bible Reading, Study & Memorization; 3) Fellowship with other believers; 4) Regular worship with other believers
122. What is meant by “private devotions”?
A – Time spent each day alone with God.
123. What are 5 possible elements of private devotions?
A – 1) Confession of sin to God and receiving forgiveness; 2)Asking God to supply specific personal needs and needs of others; 3) Praising God in word and song for who He is and what He has done; 4) Quietly listening to God for direction; 5) Reading and meditating on His word
123. What is a Christian’s primary responsibility toward the world in which he lives?
A – To use every means possible to help them come to know Jesus Christ as personal savior.
125. What are three of those means?
A – 1) To give generously to support God’s church and the work of missions. 2) To be a personal witness, telling others what Christ has done for me and can do for them. 3) Pray for the growth of God’s Kingdom
126. What is a Christian’s secondary responsibility toward the world in which he lives
A – To use every means possible to encourage others to live by Biblical principles.
127. What are 4 of those means?
A – 1) Prayer; 2) Witnessing; 3) Giving; 4) Involvement in seeking to influence in a Biblical way decisions of government, business, schools, and other public and social groups.
128. To what two things did Jesus compare this involvement?
A – To being salt in the earth and light to the world. (Matt 5:13-16)
The Holy Spirit
129. Is the Holy Spirit a person or a thing?
A – He is a person.
130. How can we know He is a person?
A – He is intelligent (I Cor 2:10-11); He has feeling (Eph 4:30); He has will (I Cor 12:11); He teaches (Jn 14:26); He guides (Romans 8:14); He commands (Acts 8:29); He speaks (Jn 15:26; II Peter 1:21); He can be grieved (Eph 4:30)
131. What is the relationship between a Christian and the Holy Spirit?
A – The Holy Spirit indwells a Christian. That is, He lives within us. (I Cor 6:19; Romans 8:9)
132. Does the Holy Spirit indwell all Christians?
A – Yes. (Romans 8:9)
133. What does it mean to be “filled with the Spirit?”
A – To be completely controlled by the Holy Spirit. (Eph 5:18)
134. Are all Christians “filled with the Spirit?”
A – No (Eph 5:18; Acts 2:4; 4:31)
135. What are the conditions for being filled with the Spirit?
A – Repentance of all known sin; asking to be filled; and believing God has kept His promise. (Luke 11:13)
135. What are the 9 characteristics of some one who is filled with the Spirit?
A – Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Self-Control (Gal 5:22-23)
137. What are these characteristics called in scripture?
A – The fruit of the Spirit.
Angels, Good and Bad
138. Are angels real?
A – Yes. They are referred to 275 times in scripture.
139. What are angels?
A – Spirit beings who serve God. (Heb 1:7)
140. What do they do?
A – Obey God in service (Heb 1:14); Assist in answering prayers (Act 12:7); Care for us when we are near death (Luke 16:22; Jude 9)
141. Who is Satan?
A – The great enemy of God and His children. (Rev 12:9)
142. Where did he come from?
A – He was the greatest of angels, who rebelled against God (Ezek 28:11-19; Is 14:12-20)
143. What was his chief sin?
A – Pride (I Tim 3:6)
144. What does Satan seek to do to God’s children?
A – Tempt us to sin (Matt 4:1-11; Act 5:3); Accuses and slanders us (Rev 12:10); Hinders our work (I Thess 2:18).
145. What are demons?
A – Other fallen angels who rebelled with Satan. (Matt 12:24; Eph 6:11-12; Rev 12:4)
146. Do Christians have to struggle against demons?
A – Yes (Eph 6:11-12)
147. What can demons do?
A – Cause sickness (Matt 9:33; Luke 13:11,16); Cause strange behavior (Matt 17:15); Deceive people (I Tim 4:1); Oppose our spiritual growth (Eph 6:12)
148. Do Satan and his demons do their work obviously so that they are easily recognized?
A – No. They are subtle and extremely deceptive and hard to recognize. (Rev 12:9)
149. What is their most common method?
A – They insert thoughts into our minds, which seem to be our own, designed to deceive us or mislead us. (II Cor 10:3-5)
150. Name 11 weapons God has given us to fight against Satan and his demons.
A – The Belt of Truth; the Breastplate of Righteousness; The Shoes of Peace; The Helmet of Salvation; The Shield of Faith; The Sword of the Spirit (which is the Word of God); Praise; Prayer; The Name of Jesus; the Blood of Jesus; the Word of our Testimony (Eph 6:14-18; Rev 12:11; II Chr 20; Acts 16:18)
The Return of Christ
151. Does the Bible teach that Jesus will bodily return to earth someday?
A – Yes.(Acts 1:11)
152. What will happen to His followers that day?
A – Those who are dead will be raised. Those who are alive will be changed. (1 Cor 15:51-52; 1 Thes 4:16-17)
153. What will the bodies of His followers be like after He returns?
A – They will have eternal, glorified bodies that will never die again. (1 Cor 15:42-44)
154. What will Jesus do when He returns?
A – He will set up His Kingdom on earth and reign for 1000 years. (Rev 19 and Rev 20)
155. What is the common name for this 1000-year time period?
A – The Millennial Reign.
156. Does the Bible give us signs so that we may know when His return is near?
A – Yes.
157. What are some of the signs that we should watch for?
A – A time of intense and terrible trials on the earth (Matthew 24:21); The revealing of the Man of Sin (1 Thes 2:1-4; Rev 13); A rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem (1 Thes 2:4; Matt 24:15)
158. What is the intense time of trials usually referred to?
A – The Great Tribulation (Matt 24:21)
159. And what are two other names that are often given to the Man of Sin?
A – The Antichrist and the Beast (Rev 13)
160. What will happen to the Man of Sin and his followers?
A – They will be cast into the lake of fire when Jesus returns. (Rev 19:20; 20:15)
161. And what happens to the followers of Christ?
A – We shall reign with Him forever and ever. (Rev 22:5)
162. How are all these things made possible?
A – By the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Eph 2:7)
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