Why We Are Christians

Curious about why we are Christians?

We are Christians, ultimately, because God has brought about circumstances in our lives to persuade us that His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, gave His life to redeem us. For us, the only response was to admit and turn from our sins, receive Him,  recognize and proclaim that He is Lord, and commit our lives to Him.

He has convinced us, by internal conviction as well as by external evidence, that He is our Creator and our Redeemer and that the Bible is His Word to us and is completely trustworthy.

If you are not already convinced that that last sentence is true, we invite you to begin a pilgrimage to investigate it for yourself. It may take some time. Along the way, you may wish to pray something like this, “God, if You’re real and You really are out there and if the Bible really is Your Word to us, I’m willing to be convinced. I invite you to direct my investigation.” 

Where to start? Well, a simple way to check out the “internal conviction” I mentioned is to begin reading the Gospel of John, slowly and thoughtfully. You might ask yourself, “Does this sound like the life of a kook or a weirdo or a liar? Or does this have the ring of truth?”

If you think that the abundant amount of external evidence that God has seen fit to leave us might be of interest, you may want to check out some of the short videos in our Veritas Playlist on YouTube.

We can tell you this–becoming followers of the Lord Jesus Christ has been the greatest, most exciting adventure that we can possibly imagine! Without Him, we would have no clue what real Love, Peace, Joy, and Purpose were all about. In fact, it is the reason for which we were created! If life for you seems in any way to be empty, meaningless, or perhaps ridden with anxiety and fear, we urge you to take a good close look at the Lord Jesus Christ. We can assure you that He will be far more to you than you could have ever imagined or hoped!

You may wish to read:
How to Receive Jesus Christ
More Detailed Version of How to Receive Jesus Christ
Thoughts Regarding the Substitutionary Atonement

Who is Jesus?