a Abounding Joy!j
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Abounding Joy!

(A few old pictures!)

You can view many more pictures, including more recent photos, on our gallery pages:

Photo Gallery (Before January, 2005)
Photo Gallery (Since January, 2005)


Steve Hall and Vickie Hall family--1994

This portrait of our family was taken in 1994. From left to right are: Daniel, Timothy, Steve, Vickie, David, Jeremy, Jared, Joshua, and Jacob

Vickie's Boys

This is a 1999 picture of Vickie's boys. From left to right: Jacob, Jared, Jeremy, Joshua

Steve's boys

This is a 1999 picture of Steve's boys. From left to right: Timothy, Daniel, David. (I forgot the name of the kitten.)

Steve and Vickie at Cumberland Falls

Steve and Vickie (and Andromeda!) visited Cumberland Falls State Park in Kentucky in June, 2000.

Waucheesi Mountain, January 2000

Believe it or not, this is the view from the window in our den! Waucheesi Mountain is about nine miles from us. Here you see the snow on the mountain in January, 2000.

Waucheesi Mountain--rising mist

Here is another view of Waucheesi. This picture was taken in the summer of 1999. Again, this is from our den window!

This is also from our den window. Of course, Waucheesi is hidden by the snow.

Hickory Trees--Fall colors

There are about eight of these huge hickory trees in our yard. They turn a beautiful golden color in late autumn. This was taken in autumn, 1999.

Bald River Falls

Bald River Falls is a scenic waterfall that is about a 20 minute drive from where we live. It marks the point where Bald River joins the Tellico River.

The Andromeda Galaxy     Andromeda--Our Seven Pound Toy Poodle

By the way, on the audio page I mentioned that we had named our puppy Andromeda, after our sister galaxy. And you may wonder why!

When we first got Andromeda, she was only 6 weeks old and weighed only 1 lb 6 oz. When you sat her on the floor and looked down at her, she looked like a tiny fuzzy patch! Well, the Andromeda Galaxy looks like a "tiny fuzzy patch" with the naked eye on a dark night.

Also, it seemed to us that these were two amazing, incredible creations of God--one at either end of the size spectrum! On the one hand, 2 million light-years away, the magnificent galaxy, with billions of blazing stars! What an awesome creation! On the other hand, a tiny little puppy, with billions of incredibly complex and ingenious cells all working together to make this bouncy little fuzzy patch of life!

What an awesome God we serve!

You can view many more pictures, including more recent photos, on our gallery pages:

Photo Gallery (Before January, 2005)
Photo Gallery (Since January, 2005)


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